April 2019
RE: Change from Quarterly to Monthly Billing for your Water Bills
Whitinsville Water Company and the Town of Northbridge Water Department have completed the migrating from quarterly to monthly billing. This transition took place in the late summer/fall of 2018. All customers are now receiving monthly water bills.
A change to monthly billing provides a positive change for our customers. Benefits of this change include allowing customers to align their water bill with other typical bills which will help them to budget more efficiently. It will also allow customers to track usage better and will provide smaller more manageable bills on a regular basis. Monthly billing, along with our new meter system, will also help to identify leaks in your home which will help the customer identify and repair leaks (saving money) more promptly.
Whitinsville Water Company and the Town of Northbridge Water Department will be implementing a new online bill pay service in 2019 that will allow customers to pay online, view their bills online, allow for the customer to view the historical data and provide a mechanism for the company to send out electronic notifications to customers. We are constantly striving to improve our level of service and we believe this will be a very helpful customer service tool. We anticipate this new system implementation to occur this summer. We will provide further information as this progresses. As reminder, the Whitinsville Water Company handles the billing for both Whitinsville Water Company customers as well as Town of Northbridge Water customers. If at any time you have a question about your water bill, please feel free to contact the Whitinsville Water Company office at 508-234-7358.